Migraine and sinusitis can not only be treated with medical treatment, but also helped with traditional full-blooded facial therapy. Check out how to do it and its benefits for your health. Totok or acupressure is one of the traditional treatment techniques to treat diseases, improve health conditions, relaxation, and improve blood circulation. This therapy has even been practiced for thousands of years in China. When ditotok, some points on our bodies will be massaged or pressed using the fingers, palms, elbows, or feet of the masseuse. In the process, sometimes special tools are needed to help with treatment. There are hundreds of pressure points all over the human body, and some of these points are on the face. When doing facial massage or full-blooded at specific points, then certain diseases are believed to soon subside and heal. For example, migraine and sinusitis. Relieve Migraines with Full-Face To relieve migraines or headaches, you can do full-blooded facial movements a...